Female Intimate Surgery For Vaginal Rejuvenation In Bogota

Women wish to feel beautiful and confident in their skin. However, the smallest imperfections of their vulva can eat away at your self-esteem. If you feel that way, we recommend our aesthetic vaginal surgeries that will correct minor deformities or changes that come with aging. For some, this can lead to changes in the aesthetic vaginal structure; for others, it can lead to discomfort such as itching and irritations.

At our clinic, Dr. Mauricio Serrano joins hands with Dr. Angela Escobar to assist women who wish to restore vaginal functionality and aesthetics. Their combined professional expertise will allow you to improve your physical and psychological well-being, giving you the confidence you crave!

Contact Us

If your uneven labia are a source of discomfort or embarrassment, contact us today! Our team will help you restore your feminine confidence!

Joint Procedures: Double Your Results!

Combining your plastic surgery Bogota procedures can be highly beneficial. A joint procedure will allow you to address multiple concerns at once, cut down on costs, reduce your recovery period and help you save valuable time.

Dr. Angela Escobar, a renowned aesthetic gynecologist in Bogota, will oversee your aesthetic intimate surgery whereas Dr. Serrano will oversee your aesthetic body procedures. Some common joint procedures we see with aesthetic genital surgery include liposuction, abdominoplasty and BBL. However, you are free to discuss your choice of surgery in Colombia with your plastic surgeon and determine the best procedure according to your unique case.

For more information on what joint procedures you should opt for, we recommend coming in for a one-on-one consultation at our clinic.

Improved Functions And Aesthetic

Latest Medical Technology

Experienced Professionals

Safety and Health

Intimate Surgery Procedures

Intimate surgeries typically aim to correct the imperfections found in the Vagina, the Labium Majus (large lips), Labium Minus (small lips), Hymen, and Mons Pubis (mass of fatty tissue present around the pubic bone). Here is an overview of the types of vaginoplasty Colombia and the genital procedures we offer at our clinic:


Colporrhaphy is a surgical procedure that helps repair the lax and redundant vaginal support tissues, commonly used to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP).


Our Labiaplasty Colombia procedure will allow patients to reduce the size of the labia minora or the inner vaginal lips, either through trimming or removing a small wedge from the vaginal lip tissues.


Lipoplasty uses high-frequency waves to liquefy fat from around the vagina before removing it through gentle suction. These waves are completely safe, removing only selective fat cells.


Perineoplasty is a procedure that tightens the perineum (the skin between the anus and the vulva), typically to tighten genitalia that grow loose due to stretching.


Vulvarplasty is a gender-affirming surgery that uses skin and tissue from a penis to create all parts of the outer female genitals (except for the vaginal canal).

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is a vaginal corrective procedure that helps improve the tightness and elasticity of the vaginal canal that may be causing decreased libido, dryness, loss of sensation and loose skin around the vagina.


Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure to reconstruct or tighten the vaginal canal, strengthen the pelvic floor, improve muscle tone and enhance vaginal functionality.

General Gynecology

We further provide you with medical guidance regarding the female reproductive system, family planning, pregnancy, contraception and more, with the aim of maintaining good health and sexual wellness.

Advantages of Female Intimate Surgery

Female intimate surgery is considered a taboo in most areas but with changing times, women are more comfortable sharing their concerns with us. In response, we offer you the most fitting aesthetic genital procedures that will correct the small imperfections, functional loss or appearance of the female genitals. Here are some of the many advantages you can enjoy with female intimate surgery:

  • Helps improve the appearance of the labia.
  • Creates symmetry and maintains harmonious proportions of the vagina and its assorted parts.
  • Helps relieve discomfort, such as itching or irritations due to the enlarged size or shape of the labia.
  • Can help resolve urinary incontinence (involuntary urine leakage) in older women.
  • Can strengthen and tighten the vaginal walls.
  • Gives you the freedom to wear your desired tight clothing.
  • Can give you better satisfaction under the sheets.
  • Improves your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Can be used to correct a prolapsed uterus.

For Whom Is Female Intimate Surgery Recommended?

Over time, the effects of gravity, aging and childbirth can create alterations in your vaginal canal, surrounding muscles and skin. Female intimate surgery can help resolve these and various interlinked issues.

We recommend female intimate surgeries for individuals who wish to repair their vagina after vaginal delivery, which often results in tearing and overstretching of the skin. Also, some women may be born with congenital abnormalities (such as an imperforate hymen or a longitudinal vaginal septum) and wish to correct them through surgery.

Apart from improving the function of your vagina, we also recommend aesthetic vaginal surgery for women who do not like the appearance of their intimate area, which may be affecting their self-esteem and sex life. We only recommend women who have reached the legal age to opt for cosmetic genital surgery, unless they are facing a medical problem or a birth defect.

Why Choose Colombia For Medical Tourism?

Colombia remains one of the leading destinations for medical and aesthetic treatments. Here is why we recommend coming to Colombia for your aesthetic treatments:

  • The prices for most procedures in Colombia are around 30% lower than those in the USA, making it one of the most popular choices for plastic surgery, aesthetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry and other medical treatments.
  • Colombia houses some of the finest medical facilities with the latest equipment and technology.
  • You will be able to work with some of the most qualified plastic surgeons and medical professionals across the country.
  • You can enjoy your recovery period in beautiful, peaceful and accommodating surroundings to get the most out of your procedure.
  • You can easily connect with medical concierge services that will not only connect you with qualified professionals but also take care of trip logistics, consultation arrangements, personal care and more.

Intimate Surgery FAQ

1. What is the normal shape and size of a vulva?

Before you opt for an intimate surgery, you should know that vulvas come in various shapes and sizes. No one size or shape is considered an ideal one. However, some cases, such as birth defects and changes due to aging and childbirth, may demand surgical intervention. Keeping this in mind, we cater to our client’s particular needs to the best of our ability.

2. Who should opt for female intimate surgery?

Female intimate surgery is recommended for adult women who have reached the legal age and do not like the appearance of their labia, women who have undergone childbirth and lost the elasticity of their vaginal walls, or women who suffer from medical issues that may be affecting their quality of life.

3. Does a genital aesthetic procedure affect your sex life?

Genital aesthetic procedures are a great way to improve your sex life. For some, elongated labia may cause discomfort during sex. For others, loose genitals or weak pelvic floor muscles make it hard to perceive sex the same way. A genital aesthetic procedure can help fix these aesthetic and functional defects so you can feel confident and lead a healthy sex life.

4. How much will my surgery cost?

The exact cost of your procedure will depend on the type of surgery you opt for, how extensive the work may be and whether you choose to combine procedures or have them separate. For better information, we recommend that you reach out for an in-person or virtual consultation where we can provide you with a more accurate quote.

5. What are the qualifications of Dr. Mauricio & Dr. Angela?

Dr. Mauricio Serrano has over 24 years of professional experience as an aesthetic plastic surgeon; he is also an official member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery. Similarly, Dr. Angela Escobar is a renowned aesthetic gynecologist in Bogota, known for her extensive experience and position in the Colombian Association of Aesthetic Gynecologists (AGEOC).

Looking for a professional board of surgeons?

Dra Angela Escobar & Dr Mauricio Serrano want to help YOU! Click the button below to book your consultation now.

See Our Clients’ Testimonials

Dr. Mauricio Serrano and Dr. Angela Escobar are the best plastic surgeons in Bogota Colombia and have collectively overseen the completion of thousands of cases over the years in Bogota. Entrust your case to only the most qualified, trusted professionals in the city. Don’t take it from us; have a look at what our previous clients have to say about their experience!

Juliana patricia Hernández amaya
Juliana patricia Hernández amaya
Excelente servicio, todo el personal muy atento y el cirujano es un Top🤯🥰 Si tuviera que recomendarlo lo recomendaría 100%❤️
Adriana Medina
Adriana Medina
Excelente experiencia con el Dr. Serrano y su equipo. Extremadamente profesionales, honestos, y legítimamente les importa sus pacientes. Desde la primera consulta virtual con el doctor Serrano pude notar cuan profesional es, luego la visita en persona lo confirme, su único interés es hacer lo correcto siempre teniendo en consideración el estado físico de cada paciente, no promete cosas que no puede cumplir, y lo que puede cumplir, lo hace fantasticamente bien! ... Vi resultados desde el día de la cirugía, y poco a poco y con el control del Dr. Serrano, los resultados mejoran cada día! No puedo esperar a terminar mi tiempo de recuperación para ver el resultado final! Gracias Dr. Serrano por devolverme mi autoestima y la confianza en mi misma!!
claudia forero
claudia forero
“I am pleased to recommend Dr. Mauricio Serrano for his outstanding dedication to plastic surgery, where he positively changes the lives of his patients. His deep knowledge, meticulous attention, and respectful demeanor make him an exceptional surgeon. I fully trust in his experience and skills for any plastic surgery procedure.”
Eliana Sanchez
Eliana Sanchez
Muy muy feliz con la atención del dr mauricio serrano tiene demasiada experiencia , una exelente acesoria y honestamente te dice lo que te queda bien para obtener un buen resultado,demasiado feliz porque quedé mejor de lo que se veia en las fotos , explica de manera clara , resuelve las dudas y da mucha seguridad, la atención del personal en general exelente , la dra melisa también super linda pendiente , tienen un chat para cualquier cosa que llegase a presentar . La clínica súper totalmente legal , en general lo mejor de lo mejor y sobre todo la experiencia del doctor y la confianza de que está uno en manos de un profesional certificado , lo recomiendo una y mils veces , mi recuperación muy rápida , tiene unas manos de seda. Gracias Doctor... eres es más de los mases ajajaj comparto resultado un mes de evolución rinoplastia , mentoplatia
Fabian Alexander Cantor Cantor
Fabian Alexander Cantor Cantor
Por más de 20 años espere para realizar mi rinoplastia, más por dudas o por miedo a que pasara algo malo durante la intervención o tal vez a encontrarme con poca experiencia profesional. Hoy doy gracias a Dios por haber puesto en mi camino al Dr Serrano, excelente atención, procedimiento pulcro de principio a fin y un equipo de apoyo fenomenal. Muchísimas gracias por dar un nuevo inicio a mi vida!!!
Hugh Gomez
Hugh Gomez
El Dr. Serrano es un profesional único en su campo. Mi experiencia con él y su equipo fué excelente en todo sentido. La atención a las necesidades específicas y sensibilidades de el paciente lo hacen muy valioso. El alineamiento de expectativas y la instrucción en su ejecución lograron en mi un resultado satisfactorio y al cual no dudaría en referir!

Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Appointment

Having a female intimate surgery can be an intimidating journey. With our professional care, expertise and extensive experience, you can achieve your desired looks without any procedural complications.

To better understand how your procedure will be carried out, any potential complications that may arise and what your recovery will look like, it is best to meet our professionals. Schedule your one-on-one private consultation today.

Dr. Mauricio and Dr. Angela, two of the best plastic surgeons in Colombia, will discuss your concerns and goals in mind during your consultation, providing their professional guidance where needed so you can have complete peace of mind.

For more information on our procedures and how they have helped improve the lives of countless patients around Bogota, reach out to us today!

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